Let me talk about my views on rural revitalization, if there is something wrong, please correct everyone!
Now the media news, there are all kinds of reports of rural revitalization!
All over the country are engaged in a vigorous rural revitalization.nbsp;
This is a good thing, our countryside finally ushered in spring.
However, there is one thing, I have to mention, is the problem of rural population, in recent years, with the progress of urbanization, the rural population is less and less, some rural areas even appeared hollow village phenomenon
Also let people see the sadness of the countryside!
However, I personally think, these rural, the vast majority of will be deserted.
In the future, the rural people will not be more, because, the rural industrial development, not many jobs can provide you, and the rural industry must be related to agriculture, the future wisdom agriculture, new professional farmers production and marketing integration, more with a few people!
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